White to Play
Published in Chess Puzzles

Bishops of opposite color endings are generally considered drawn, but here White can win.
A study by Locock. 1.Ke5 Bf3 2.Bc4 Bh5 3.g7 Bf7 4.Be2 Bg8 5.Bh5 Bh7 5...Bf7 6.Kf5 Bg8 7.Kg6 Bf7+ 8.Kh7 Be6 9.Kh8 Ba2 10.Bg6 Bb3 11.Bh7 6.Bg6 Bg8 7.Kf5 Be6+ 8.Kg5 Bg8 9.Kh6 Kf6 10.Bc2 Ba2 11.Kh7 Be6 12.Kh8 Ba2 13.Bh7 Bb3 14.Bg8 Bc2 15.Bc4 and the pawn queens!
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