White to Play
Published in Chess Puzzles

This looks like a tough endgame, but there is even a chance for a mate and at least a way to win Black’s bishop.
This is from a study by C.M. Bent in 1969 1.Nh5+ Kxg6 2.Be8+ Kh6 3.Ng3 Be4 3...Ba8 4.Nf5# 4.Nxe4 Kg7 5.Bh5 h6 6.Kf2 and the White king would enter, gobble up the pawns and mate with K+B+N vs. K, but we won’t ask you to do that here. It’s a forced mate, but not many people know how to do that.
Send questions and comments to PTamburro@aol.com.