


You Still Know You're a Tech Geek When...


Published in Jokes

- When you convince yourself that Tetris really does improve eye-hand coordination.

- When the radio traffic reporter talks about a backup caused by a crash, and you correct her that a backup is good protection in case of a crash.

- When floppy drive applies more to your love life, and hard drive to your machines.

- When you call "*.*" star-dot-star.


- When you can do hexadecimal arithimatic in your head.

- When your wife goes to the market for some macintosh apples, and you correct her, "No, dear, it's 'Apple Macintosh'."

- When your wife says "If you don't turn off that stupid machine and come to bed, then I am going to divorce you!", and you chastise her for for omitting the else clause.



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