


I Am a Little World Made Cunningly (Holy Sonnet V)

John Donne on

Published in Poem Of The Day

I am a little world made cunningly
Of elements, and an angelic spright,
But black sin hath betrayed to endless night
My worlds both parts, and oh! both parts must die.
You, which beyond that heaven which was most high
Have found new spheres and of new lands can write,
Pour new seas in mine eyes, that so I might
Drown my world with my weeping earnestly,
Or wash it, if it must be drowned no more:
But oh! it must be burnt; alas the fire
Of lust and envy burnt it heretofore,
And made it fouler; Let their flames retire,
And burn me, O Lord, with a fiery zeal
Of thee and thy house, with doth in eating heal.

About this poem
"I Am a Little World Made Cunningly (Holy Sonnet V)" was published in the 1635 edition of John Donne's work "Poems."

About John Donne
John Donne was born on Jan. 22, 1572, in London. He is known as a major metaphysical poet. He died on March 31, 1631, in London.

The Academy of American Poets is a nonprofit, mission-driven organization, whose aim is to make poetry available to a wider audience. Email The Academy at poem-a-day[at]poets.org.

This poem is in the public domain. Distributed by King Features Syndicate




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