


Ready For Green And Blackout Wednesday

By Anthony Washington, The Fresh Toast on

Published in Cannabis Daily

The day before Thanksgiving has the honor of being two of the biggest consumption days of the year – are you ready?

While some people are prepping for Thanksgiving Thursday, the big feast and the holiday season afterwards, a significant amount are looking forward to Wednesday. The day before Thanksgiving has become a mini-holiday in its own right. It has become a time of robust celebration, so much it is known as Green Wednesday and Blackout Wednesday. It is a  significant consumption day for both marijuana and alcohol imbibers.

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Blackout Wednesday, also known as Drinksgiving, has grown to rival major drinking holidays like New Year’s Eve and St. Patrick’s Day in terms of alcohol consumption. And cannabis is not far behind seeing a big spike in dispensary purchases on the same day. As legal cannabis  moved across the nation, it caught on and gave options to people who want to “unplug” at the start of the holiday weekend.

Green Wednesday is a cannabis-centric moment the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. In in 2016, the phrase was coined when California cannabis delivery service noticed a significant uptick in orders the week before Thanksgiving. With over 50% of the country having access to legal weed, each year has only gotten bigger!

“Last year’s Green Wednesday had sales 72% higher than the average day. Flower accounted for 39.5% of sales with Vape at 23.7%, pre-rolled at 16.9% and edibles at 10.6%. Pre-rolled showed the biggest increase compared to the week before when it accounted for only 11.9%, so sales on Green Wednesday of pre-rolls specifically, were more than double a normal day.” shares Roy Bingham, Co-Founder and CEO of BDSA, one of the cannabis analytics firms.


The original partakers start Blackout Wednesday, also known as Drinksgiving or Thanksgiving Eve. They helped make it become a significant cultural phenomenon. This unofficial holiday takes place on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and has gained notoriety as one of the busiest drinking nights of the year. The exact origins of Blackout Wednesday are not precisely documented, but the phenomenon is believed to have started decades before it was named. The term “Drinksgiving” dates back to 2007, while the first Google searches for “Blackout Wednesday” were recorded in 2014.

If you choose to celebrate, be safe, have fun, and have the ingredients for a hangover cure come the morning.


The Fresh Toast is a daily lifestyle platform with a side of cannabis. For more information, visit

The Fresh Toast



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