


Don’t people go to church anymore because there’s no longing for God?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: In an age of instant gratification, few people understand the term “longing for God.” Is this a reason why so few people don’t go to church anymore; there’s no longing for God because we can fulfill all of our desires instantly? – L.G.

A: Longing means that a person is unsatisfied or unfulfilled because there is someone or something he or she very much wants; someone to be near, something to hold or to have.

When a person has been underwater for a period of time that is longer than expected, the time ticks away and in desperation, the person reaches for the surface just to breathe in the air. The greater the time under the water, the more longing for that moment of satisfaction. Rushing to the surface is the only thought and goal.

This is what it means to long for God. In another context, it is what it means to “hunger and thirst” after righteousness with the same desires that lead us to quench our physical need for food and water.


How many of us are content to give God only a brief moment of our time, a hasty prayer before a meal, a few coins in the offering plate at church, and forget about Him the rest of the time?

God wants us to long for Him because it is in that longing that we are fulfilled and overwhelmed by God and the reality of His Son in our lives. We are never more fulfilled than when our longing for God is met by His presence in our lives. And we can know this instantly when we humble ourselves before Him in prayer, read His Word, and meditate on His goodness to us.

(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2025 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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