Home & Leisure

2025 real estate trends, predictions
Every year, Ilyce and Sam offer their readers New Year’s resolutions for homebuyers, sellers and their personal finances. This year, they’re adding some trends and predictions for 2025.
As we move into the beginning of the second quarter of the 21st century, it’s interesting to see how real estate (and the world) has changed.
Twenty-five...Read more

2025 home seller resolutions
Every year, Ilyce and Sam offer their readers New Year’s resolutions for homebuyers, sellers and their personal finances. These are their 2025 home seller resolutions.
Buyers had a little more purchasing power in 2024, but two headwinds remained: Roughly 85% of homeowners carry interest rates below 6%, and there are not enough homes to buy.
...Read more

Spouse questions lawyer’s fees after husband’s passing
Q: My husband died a couple months ago. He had a living trust. When he died, I asked a friend for the name of a lawyer to assist me to deal with his estate issues. The lawyer asked for a retainer of $5,000, and he charges $400 per hour.
I did not realize that our condo was titled as tenants in common rather than joint tenants. We had to open up...Read more