Is there a non-homesick color?
Researchers claim that the color light-green is effective in relieving the feelings of homesickness.
Where did the boot cut trouser first gain in popularity?
As with boot cut hems, the trend began in Europe and spread rapidly around the world. Today both boot cut and flare leg pants remain popular both in denim and higher quality office wear. In menswear straight leg also gave way to boot cut looks, again initially in Europe, and has made it's leap into flare leg, for officewear, the same as what ...Read more
What makes the Step Pyramid so seminal?
The Step Pyramid is the first known monumental structure made of stone anywhere in the world. The Step Pyramid Complex of Djoser - also spelled Zozer - was built during the Third Dynasty (2800 B.C.) in Saqqara, Egypt. Considered by many to be the first tomb in Egypt to be built entirely of stone, Djoser's Step Pyramid is a series of six levels ...Read more
Was your dinner made of rags?
In cooking, the term chiffonade means to slice into very thin strips or shreds. Literally translated from French, chiffonade means "made of rags."
Where does a comet get its tail?
Tiny dust particles surround a comet. They are swept into a long tail by the solar wind, which consists of subatomic particles speeding from the sum at speed of hundred of miles per second.
How large is the sun?
The sun contains over 99.8 percent of the total mass in our solar system, while Jupiter contains most of the rest. The fractional percentage that is left is made up of our Earth and moon and the remaining planets and asteroids.
When is a spider not an insect?
A spider is not an insect. It is an arachnid – it has eight legs instead of six, and has no wings or antennae. The same is true of the daddy longlegs, scorpion's mite, and tick – none is technically part of the insect class.
Do only male elephants have tusks?
Elephant tusks grow throughout an elephant's life and can weigh more than 200 pounds. Among Asian elephants, only the males have tusks. Both sexes of African elephants have tusks.
What do chimps use crumbled leaves for?
Chimpanzees crumble leaves in their mouths to make a type of sponge to sop up water from the hollows in trees when they can't reach the water with their lips.
How quickly does a cough move?
The rush of air produced by a cough moves at a speed approaching 600 miles per hour.
Why should you stay in bed?
You're just as likely to die by falling out of bed then you are to get struck by lightning; each is a 1 in 2,000,000 chance. You have a 1 in 3,000,000 chance of being killed by a snake.
Where was the 1607 settlement?
The first English settlement in what became New England was founded thirteen years before the arrival of the Pilgrims. In 1607, a settlement was established at Popham Beach, Maine. After a year, its inhabitants found the climate too harsh, and departed.
What were the Professor and Skipper's actual names?
The Professor on Gilligan's Island was named Roy Hinkley. The Skipper was named Jonas Grumby. Both names were used only once in the entire series, on the first episode.
What about Flight 19's disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle?
One of the best known, and probably the most famous Bermuda Triangle incidents concerns the loss of Flight 19, a squadron of five U.S. Navy TBM Avenger torpedo bombers on a training flight out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida on December 5, 1945. According to Berlitz, the flight consisted of expert naval aviators who, after reporting a number of odd ...Read more
How many earthquakes occur annually?
There are more than 50,000 earthquakes throughout the world every year.
Will Twinkies survive a nuclear war?
An urban legend holds that twinkies are chemically syntheized and require no baking. As a result, they supposedly have a nearly limitless shelf-life and could potentially "survive a nuclear war" (like cockroaches). In practice, twinkies last only about 25 days before degrading substantially in quality -- though they do last longer than most ...Read more
Which insect is the fastest?
The fastest insect on record, that has been reliably measured, is the Australian dragon fly – which has a top speed of around 57 km/h. Contrary to popular myth, the deer botfly CANNOT fly faster than a jet plane. It would be crushed by the pressure.
When is 'Satu's Day?'
Satu is a female first name in Finnish meaning "fairy tale," and the best childrens' fairy tales are awarded on October 18th, known as "Satu's Day." The international competition for children ages 7 to 13 has been held since 1993, and its rules are translated into five languages.
When did Audie Murphy begin to distinguish himself as a combat soldier?
Due to his fragile physical appearance, Murphy still had to fight the system to get into combat. His persistence paid off in early 1943 when he was shipped out to North Africa with his combat initiation coming when he took part in the liberation of Sicily in July 1943. Murphy distinguished himself in combat on many occasions while in Italy, ...Read more