


In "2001: A Space Odyssey", Moon-Watcher was the only man-ape able to do what?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

See Through Objects
Read And Write
Walk Upright

Robert Louis Stevenson is famous for writing which of the following?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Treasure Island
The Picture Of Dorian Gray
Gulliver's Travels
Remembrance Of Things Past

Who wrote the book "Rainbow Six"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Richard Bach
Howard Stern
Stephen King
Tom Clancy

What is the occupation of Janet Evanovich's character Stephanie Plum?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Bounty Hunter
Police Officer
Bail Bondswoman
Romance Writer

In "Hamlet", what goal is Hamlet consumed with throughout the play?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Becoming King
Becoming An Excellent Swordsman
Avenging His Father's Death
Marrying Ophelia

Who is the author of the novel "The Shell Seekers"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Mary Higgins Clark
Rosamunde Pilcher
Maeve Binchy
Danielle Steele

Which book published by Three Rivers Press concerns the oddities of the human body?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Can You Keep A Secret?
Why Do Men Have Nipples?
Body Double
The Rule Of Four

Who wrote the novel "The Hotel New Hampshire"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Alexandre Dumas
John Irving
Henry James
Ernest Hemingway

Which family does Duke Leto belong to in Frank Herbert's "Dune"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

The House Of Usher
The House Of Windsor
The House Of Atreides
The House Of Ptolemy

Which sequel to "Twilight" was released in 2006 for teen readers?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Endymion Spring
The Wish House
New Moon

Who wrote the book "Old Yeller"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Dan George
Fred Gipson
Don Jensen
Dave Garrison

Who wrote the book "Mommie Dearest"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Alex Comfort
Gail Sheehy
Christina Crawford
Ely Culbertson

Who wrote the book that the movie "Mary Reilly" is based upon?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Danielle Steele
Anne Tyler
Valerie Martin
Louise Erdrich


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