From the Right





Trump and Elon Are Right: Legal Immigrants a Boon to U.S. Economy

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

The media have been playing up the "civil war" inside the GOP between what Politico calls the "MAGA Republicans and Big Tech." The restrictionists in the party want fewer visas, and the pro-growth wing wants more.

This past weekend, President-elect Donald Trump announced his support for expanding immigrant worker visas. He told the New York ...Read more

Lessons of 1925

From the Right / S.E. Cupp /

Political and other prognosticators are busy as usual predicting the future. Never mind calculating how wrong they have been in the past, our desire to know what’s coming sometimes overcomes sound thinking, ignorance of history and an understanding of human nature.

Recall the number of times climate alarmists predicted we would either freeze ...Read more

Lessons of 1925

From the Right / Cal Thomas /

Political and other prognosticators are busy as usual predicting the future. Never mind calculating how wrong they have been in the past, our desire to know what’s coming sometimes overcomes sound thinking, ignorance of history and an understanding of human nature.

Recall the number of times climate alarmists predicted we would either freeze ...Read more

Jimmy Carter Had the Best Post-Presidency

From the Right / Debra Saunders /

WASHINGTON -- "Decency. Decency. Decency," President Joe Biden responded when a reporter asked him about late President Jimmy Carter's legacy Sunday hours after the former president passed away.

It was a self-serving summation on Biden's part, as the barely-there chief executive seized the moment to trash President-elect Donald Trump.

"Can ...Read more

S.E. Cupp Advisory

From the Right / S.E. Cupp /

S.E. Cupp is not filing this week. We have subbed Cal Thomas, for release on Tuesday, 12/31.

©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

With Americans Busy With Christmas Season, Few Noticed the Election Interference Lawsuit by President Trump vs. Iowa Pollster Ann Selzer. Here's Why This Is the Biggest News Story of the Year!

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

Trump just announced a lawsuit for "consumer fraud and election interference" versus the Des Moines Register newspaper and pollster Ann Selzer.

Why is this important?

It's HUGE. It's the biggest news of the year. It may be the biggest news of the decade (since Trump came down that escalator at Trump Tower in 2015). Here's why:

First, this ...Read more

Immigration Moratorium Now

From the Right / Josh Hammer /

For the past few days, certain highly visible elements of the MAGA coalition have been sparring with one another. Specifically, X users have been privy to an extensive immigration policy flame war between two competing MAGA coalition camps: the pro-immigration "tech bros," on the one hand, and the nationalist-populist immigration ...Read more

A Light in the Darkness

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

The week before Christmas in 2006, on the same day I lost my job, doctors gave my wife six months to live. I had to be the one to break the news to her. I sat in her recovery room following a lung biopsy surgery, waited for her to be awake and aware, and told her the doctors discovered she had an aggressive form of cancer that had spread to ...Read more

Biden the Invisible President Lies Without Consequence!

From the Right / Tim Graham /

Joe Biden may still hold the office of President of the United States, but the media are treating him like he's anything but a newsmaker. For much of Biden's presidency, reporters were much more energized to cover the apparent menace of Donald Trump than agitate the officials that were always hiding Biden. Now he seems invisible.

On Dec. 15, ...Read more

Time for Trump to Drop Lawsuits and for the Press to Apologize!

From the Right / Michael Barone /

Maybe the lesson this Christmas season is that even if turnabout is fair play, at some point, enough is enough.

Start with the specious lawsuits brought against President-elect Donald Trump, to the great glee of many of his "Never Trump" and Democratic detractors. Some of them, especially Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's March 2023 ...Read more

Christmas Thanks for God's Blessings

From the Right / Laura Hollis /

On this Christmas Day, 2024, we in America have much to be grateful for:

For a country where liberty is still valued and where prosperity is still possible.

For our families, friends, loved ones, colleagues and coworkers.

For the kindness of strangers.

For those whose inspiration, talent and craft have provided the stories, books, music, ...Read more

Taking Christmas Seriously

We all know that God works in mysterious ways.

Last weekend, two friends and I were deeply moved when we saw a theatrical production of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." This is the famous and popular tale of the transformation and redemption of Ebenezer Scrooge from a rasping, grasping old miser into a lovable, generous old man who, late ...Read more

A Letter to Jesus

Dear Jesus,

We commonly communicate, but communication reaches a new level in sacredly celebrating your birthday -- Christmas Day. Times passes swiftly. But it comes to a halt on Christmas. We pay homage and gratitude to you for your wisdom and sacrifice that we strive in vain to imitate.

Your Sermon on the Mount is our light to happiness and ...Read more

Wishing for Santa-Like Efficiency in the USA

It's the most wonderful time of the year, and Santa is done checking his list and deciding who's been naughty and nice. Of course, whenever he stops by the U.S. Capitol, he finds evidence of a lot of naughty fiscal irresponsibility that has given us a budget and government that overflow with inefficiency and waste. So my holiday wish is that, ...Read more

Protecting the Lives of Murderers, But Not Babies!

From the Right / Cal Thomas /

As if his 1,500 pardons weren’t enough to cause outrage, President Biden has gone further. Near the expiration of his failed presidency, Biden has commuted the sentences of 37 of the 40 individuals on federal death row to life sentences without the possibility of parole, just weeks before President-elect Donald Trump takes office. Trump has ...Read more

The International Criminal Court Pretends to Be About Justice

From the Right / Star Parker /

It is proof of the power of our faith that the spirit of Christmas prevails over all the reasons for cynicism.

I'm thinking now of Psalm 40:4 where we read: Fortunate is the man who has puts his trust in God and has not turned to the arrogant and to those who stray after falsehood.

Regarding "the arrogant and those who stray after falsehood,...Read more

The Next Pearl Harbor: Close-In Drone Swarm Attacks Launched From US Soil?

From the Right / Austin Bay /

The Great Drone Hysteria first afflicted New Jersey and New York -- with maybes from Maryland and Virginia. Then California and Nevada residents reported odd airborne night lights -- flickering, hovering, then disappearing.

Airplanes, helicopters and/or authorized drones flying in the night sky?

The WhatEverTheyAre -- these lights and noises...Read more

Don't Cave to Government Extortion! Give to Charities!

From the Right / John Stossel /

'Tis the season for giving. For me, that mostly means supporting charities. One organization I donate to is SSP, Student Sponsor Partners, a nonprofit that gives scholarships to kids from low-income families. SSP helps children escape bad public schools by providing grants to students so they can pay the cheaper tuition at mostly Catholic ...Read more

Who Can Trust White House Reporters Who Hid Biden's Infirmity?

From the Right / Tim Graham /

Even after The Wall Street Journal published a four-byline bombshell detailing how President Joe Biden's staff energetically hid his ongoing cognitive decline from the public, there wasn't a single question at the White House briefing. No reporters demanded answers about how they were misled, or complained they were pressured into silence.

They...Read more

The Debt This Congress Leaves Behind

When Republican Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana was serving his first term in 2018, he warned his colleagues and the American people about something he perceived to be "immoral" and "unsustainable."

"For years, Congress has spent irresponsibly and with what seems to be little or no thought for how it might affect future generations," Johnson ...Read more


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