From the Right



The Same Trump Blueprint That Destroyed Colombia in 10 Hours Can Be Used Against Every Sanctuary City and State in America to Make Them All Dance Like Spider in 'Goodfellas!'

Wayne Allyn Root on

President Donald Trump won the illegal immigration war in 10 hours versus the socialist president of Colombia.

Not my alma mater Columbia University -- which is also radical, socialist, anti-American and pro-illegal immigration. But the Latin American country of Colombia.

Trump should use this exact same blueprint that brought the country of Colombia to its knees to also force the cooperation of every other country in the world that fights our mass deportation policy -- and every sanctuary city and state in the USA, and Columbia (the university).

In the end, like it or not, everything in this world is about money. Everything. And every battle can be won by bankrupting your adversary.

Money talks and bulls--t walks.

Colombia (the country) rejected our deportation flights. In response, Trump threatened to place a huge tariff on all goods from Colombia -- starting at 25% and escalating to 50%.

Colombia's bold-talking socialist president waved the white flag in 10 hours.

Suddenly, he became a born-again Trumper. He started singing the MAGA tune. He even offered to send his presidential jet to pick up the illegals we are deporting!

Remember the scene in "Goodfellas" where gangster Joe Pesci starts shooting at the feet of a young mobster "wannabe" named Spider? Pesci shoots at his feet and yells "dance!" That was Trump going all gangster on Colombia's president. And immediately, the dancing started.

This is the exact blueprint to force every country in the world to fall in line, sing the MAGA tune and dance like Spider.

But Trump should add in a few additional threats.

In the case of Colombia, why didn't we also threaten to terminate all foreign aid and other forms of assistance immediately? Or better yet, don't threaten. Just turn the spigot off. Terminate all aid, assistance, loans on the spot -- without a warning. Tell the offending country they must cooperate, if they want the spigot turned back on.

Do you know how much money we give to just this one pipsqueak country of Colombia? We committed over $900 million to Colombia to assist them with their immigration mess -- because the whole of Venezuela is migrating to Colombia. America gives them $900 million for their immigration crisis. Why not cut off the $900 million?

That's Trump's blueprint for the whole world.

Hit them in the pocketbook and make them dance like Spider in "Goodfellas" if they want to eat.

I suggest Trump adds the double threat of huge tariffs and immediate termination of all foreign aid. It's quite a one-two powerhouse combination to knockout any resistance.

And I'd add one more powerhouse punch to the equation:

Announce to all these countries allowing all their citizens to invade our country, if even one of their citizens returns after deportation, we will add a 1% tariff to their goods. If two come back, we add 2%. If 100 come back after deportation, we add 100% tariffs. Now their entire economy depends on stopping any of their citizens from illegally returning to the USA.


Guess what will happen?

These countries will seal their borders, and they will keep tabs on every returning illegal to make sure they never do it again. Perhaps they'll lock repeat offenders away in prisons for life to make sure it never happens again. Either way, none of these illegals will ever be back in the USA -- or their entire nation's economy will be severely punished.

Now to the USA.

Apply a version of this exact same blueprint to any city or state in the USA that refuses to cooperate with deportations, or even worse, actively tries to stop ICE from doing their job.

First, cut off all federal funding. Don't threaten to do it. Do it. Then demand they cooperate, if they want the funding turned back on. Watch the Democrat mayors and governors dance like Spider in "Goodfellas."

Second, arrest the Democrat politicians and government officials breaking federal law by aiding and abetting illegal alien criminals. Again, don't threaten to arrest them. Just do it. And demand they start dancing, if they want to be released from prison.

After a few weeks in prison, I'm betting California Gov. Gavin Newsom, or Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, or Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, or Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, will all suddenly start dancing like Spider.

Third, use your "MAGA Army," Mr. President. Name the cities and states that won't cooperate and ask 77 million Trump voters to boycott those cities and states. When 77 million of us stop visiting and stop buying any products produced in those cities or states, they will notice.

The economies of sanctuary cities and states will come to a standstill. The starving businesses in those cities and states will put so much pressure on their mayors and governors, they will all dance like Spider.

Apply the same blueprint to my alma mater Columbia University, and all the elite universities that not only harbor illegal alien students but give them free rides while American citizens pay full price. Cut off their federal funding. Don't threaten. Do it.

They only get it back if they start dancing like Spider.

The same applies to Catholic Charities -- terminate all federal funding. Cut them off at the knees. We'll see how quickly the leaders of the Catholic Church start dancing like Spider when they lose billions of dollars overnight. I'll make "the over-under" 10 hours!

It's all about the Benjamins. It always has been.

Cut off their funding and let's see how tough they are, see how long they last. Let's see how quickly they abandon their sanctuary stance.

From foreign countries, to American cities and states, to elite universities, to Catholic Charities ...

Take their money away, and I'm betting they all start dancing like Spider in "Goodfellas."

Copyright 2025 Creators Syndicate, Inc.



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