Life Advice






Life got in the way, and I ghosted someone. How late is too late for redemption?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

There’s not much worse than the feeling of being ghosted when online dating. (For the uninitiated, consider yourself lucky, but “ghosting” is when someone you’ve been chatting with or seeing completely disappears on you without warning — no “nice meeting you but I don’t see a connection” text or anything. Just stops responding ...Read more


Ask Anna: How to tell if you like someone or just admire them

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I need advice. I’m on the spectrum but unsure if my problem is related to my autism. Since I was a child, I've struggled to distinguish between strong admiration and romantic crushes. Often, I develop obsessive feelings for someone based on their exceptional skills in a field I'm interested in — like music or gaming. I don't ...Read more

Asking Eric: Employee wants vindication from bully boss

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I worked in an office where I was bullied and harassed by a known predator who targeted me for attacks.

This employer handled the situation like all enablers of abusers: deny, blame, ignore, and marginalize the victim.

I was 59 when this happened and had never faced anything like it.

I found a new job and worked at this company for...Read more

Dealing With Depression

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My ex-husband was very controlling and always had to have the upper hand in conversations. Today, we do all of our communicating through email only, but he still needs to end all correspondence on his terms.

We have been divorced for three years now, but he still thinks he can control me because we have a joint parenting plan, which...Read more

Asking Eric: Cousin brings friend to every family event

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: Throughout my childhood, my cousin always had to have her friend join family events.

Fast-forward 40 years and my cousin has moved back home after widowhood. Guess who’s back at everything?

The friend is a lovely person. I have no issue with her. It’s just that sometimes we want it to be only family. How do I broach this?

– ...Read more

Forgive to Reconnect With Sons

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My wife and I have been married for four years. I have never been married before, and my wife, "Gertrude," was divorced when we married.

While dating, Gertrude told me about how her ex-husband would verbally abuse her and her child. But now Gertrude is treating me the same way she says she was treated by her ex, making the same ...Read more

Asking Eric: Sober diners tired of paying for drinks

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: For the past 10 years, my husband and I have enjoyed dining out with a couple of our friends, always splitting the check evenly.

Recently, we embraced sobriety and no longer consume the expensive drinks that significantly add to the bill. Despite this, we continue to split the check evenly, which doesn’t seem quite fair.

We value ...Read more

Battling My Son's Depression

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My son is soon to be 23 years old. He was two courses short of earning his Bachelor of Science degree in computer science when something bad happened. He would not tell me what. He fell apart and did not graduate.

That was two years ago. We got him into counseling, and he saw several different counselors; he was in group therapy, ...Read more

Millennial Life: Go, Elder Gen X, Go

I don't envy her in the least. Even in my brief seven-month tenure as an elected official, one the worst concepts to process has been the expectations of others. But the weight of the free world that descended on Vice President Kamala Harris is a burden I wouldn't wish on anyone. Hers isn't just a campaign; it's a simmering electricity to "not ...Read more

Asking Eric: Did aunt dress inappropriately to ruin niece’s wedding?

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My husband and I recently hosted the wedding of our daughter in our beautiful, upscale California beach town. The reception was described as "cocktails, dinner, and dancing," and children were not included.

The dress was "Festive Cocktail Attire," which was communicated via a save-the-date notice sent on paper via the U.S. postal ...Read more

Learning to Forgive

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: About a year ago, after talking to a nice guy who could also be a royal pain -- especially when things don't go his way -- I decided to let him into my heart. I did this even though I am usually pretty well guarded and don't allow too many people close to me. I am one of those people who don't feel comfortable sharing my emotions ...Read more

Asking Eric: Grandmother not permitted at hospital for birth

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My only son is expecting his first child in early July. I have been recently told by my son that his wife does not want anyone at the hospital, except for my son.

I am devastated. My parents, sister and husband are all gone. It was family time in the hospital when my son was born. I cannot comprehend the fact my daughter-in-law will ...Read more

Feeling Uncomfortable Because of Friend's Gross Habit

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: After reading the story and response to "Poor Personal Habits" a while back about a father-in-law who makes constant noise and picks his ears and nose at the dinner table and in public, I am compelled to ask for your advice.

I am 62, happily married and an avid hiker. While on an adventure, I met another hiker who is 28 years old ...Read more

Asking Eric: Grandmother critiqued over folding laundry

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I am a youngish widow with an empty nest. Last year I moved to be near my daughter to help her with her young twins. My daughter and her husband have jobs that require them to leave home at about 6 a.m. I arrive at their home at six, and they leave. The kids are still sleeping.

While I wait for them to wake up, I do a few chores. ...Read more

Grandma Struggles With Guilt and Boundaries

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I'm a 58-year-old grandmother to two grandchildren: a 7-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl. I've been their primary caregiver (besides their parents) since they were born. I still play a significant role in their lives, visiting often on weekends and staying for a couple of nights at a time since I live an hour away.

Here's where...Read more


Ask Anna: Can you be friends with someone you once had romantic feelings for?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

My boyfriend (26M) is still friends with a woman (25F) he had feelings for a few years ago. They never dated or had any physical relationship, and he insists those feelings are long gone. I asked him to unfollow her on social media because I believe in cutting ties with past romantic interests. This is a personal boundary for me, and...Read more

Single File: Apartnership

Life Advice / Single File /

DEAR SUSAN: I just re-read your column about "apartners," and I'm sending along my 2 cents. Since my marriage ended two years ago, I've been lucky enough to share some personally productive relationships. Currently, I'm dating someone with the strength of character to be himself with me, and we're having a wonderful time. But as much as I like ...Read more


My date suggested a restaurant I can't afford -- What do I do?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

There’s so much to stress about when it comes to a first date — what to wear, what conversation topics to avoid, if you’re about to get catfished — that another big obstacle is often overlooked: the financial aspect of dating. Even grabbing drinks a few times a week can really add up over time, and the last thing you want is to turn down...Read more

Millennial Life: When It Doesn't Age Well

There are a few things that show your age. Wrinkles. Misused slang. Ankle socks, it turns out. No matter how well you think you might be aging, there are things trapped in time that may hold a special place for you but aren't things that age well. No, we're not talking about the government yet; I'm talking about old movie trailers.

I tried ...Read more


More couples are hiring wedding content creators, so they and their guests can 'live in the moment'

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

PHILADELPHIA — In the car on the way home from her wedding, Bayley Shanley's phone pinged with a notification from one of her vendors.

As her new husband drove, Shanley flipped through more than 500 candid photos and videos.

She watched her bridesmaids walk down the aisle, a moment she had missed, and relived the speeches. She sent her ...Read more