Mary Lou
Lisa came up behind her husband while he was drinking his morning coffee and slapped him on the back of the head.
"Ow!" Larry exclaimed. "What was that for?"
"I found a piece of paper in your pants with the name 'Mary Lou' written on it," she said angrily. "You better have a good explanation!"
"Calm down, honey," Larry said. "I was at the dog...Read more
Quick Quotes
"Lance Armstrong, who of course, won his seventh Tour de France, now says he just wants to lay around the house and drink beer. What a lazy bastard this guy turned out to be." --Jay Leno
"Martha Stewart gets her anklet bracelet removed in two weeks. Finally...she can now come over to my place." --Dave Letterman
"President ...Read more

Thank You Notes: Texas Tech Logo, Spring Break
Jimmy pens his Thank You Notes to food dye, Velcro wallets and other things.

Weekend Update: Kendrick Perkins on the 2025 NBA Playoffs - SNL
Kendrick Perkins (Kenan Thompson) stops by Weekend Update to discuss the 2025 NBA Playoffs.

Peter Frampton “Do You Feel Like We Do” - The Late Show’s Commercial Breakdown
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Inductee and Grammy-winning guitarist Peter Frampton sits in with Louis Cato and The Late Show Band and treats the crowd at the Ed Sullivan Theater to a rousing rendition of one of his most popular songs, “Do You Feel Like I Do.”

Adam Scott on the Severance Finale, Fans Thirsting After His Short Hair & Telling His Wife Spoilers
Adam talks about the finale of “Severance” on Apple TV+, telling his wife Naomi spoilers, his kids being interested in the show, fan art of his character Mark S, people saying he looks hot in the flashback sequences, Ben Stiller coming up with his hair style on the show, Helena cutting into a hard-boiled egg in a recent episode, fans ...Read more
Bank Robbery
After a laborious two-week criminal trial in a very high profile bank robbery case, the jury finally ended its 14 hours of deliberations and entered the courtroom to deliver its verdict to the judge. The judge turns to the jury foreman and asks, "Has the jury reached a verdict in this case?"
"Yes we have, your honor," the foreman responded.
"...Read more
The Rabbit
The LAPD, The FBI, and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and has each of them try to catch it.
The CIA goes in. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After ...Read more
More on Understanding a Woman's Language
(loud sigh) - This is not actually a word, but is still often a verbal statement very misunderstood by men. She thinks you are an idiot at that moment and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing".
(soft sigh) - Again, not a word, but a verbal statement. "Soft sighs" are one of the few things that...Read more
Lawyer's Personal Integrity
An investment counselor went out on her own. She was shrewd and diligent, so business kept coming in. Pretty soon she realized she needed an in-house counsel, and so she began interviewing young lawyers.
"As I'm sure you can understand," she started off with one of the first applicants, "in a business like this, our personal integrity must be ...Read more

Natasha Rothwell Couldn't Stop Screaming While Reading The White Lotus' Season 3 Script
Natasha Rothwell talks about how she reacted when she was asked to return for Season 3 of The White Lotus, collaborating with Mike White on the writing process for her character and adopting her new dog, Wilson.

Gary Oldman Lists His Favorite On-Screen Death Scenes And Dies Again At The Hands Of Stephen Colbert
In the final segment of Stephen Colbert's career-spanning conversation with actor Gary Oldman, they discuss his famous death scenes from films like "State of Grace" and "Air Force One," and Stephen coaxes one more dramatic death out of the acting legend.

Stephen Graham Wrecked a Golf Cart with Leonardo DiCaprio, Shares Inspiration Behind Adolescence
Stephen Graham talks about playing Bruce Springsteen's father in Deliver Me from Nowhere, the real-life, heartbreaking scenarios that inspired his miniseries Adolescence and shooting each episode of the series in one continuous shot.

Bert Kreischer on Not Wearing a Shirt, Being Empty Nesters & Having Sex in Every Room in the House
Bert talks about his comedy special Lucky, the crazy outfit he wears, ripping his shirt off during his shows, becoming empty nesters, having sex in every room in the house, being best friends with his wife, and traveling with his family.
Baste a turkey
A State Police colleague of mine once received a call from a woman who asked him how to baste a turkey. After a stunned moment, he, being a fairly good cook, described the procedure. Then he asked, "But why would you call the State Police to find out how to baste a turkey?"
There was only a slight hesitation before she replied, "Well, you knew,...Read more
Hubble Photograph of Distant Galaxies Colliding
The New York Times, among other papers, recently published a new Hubble photograph of distant galaxies colliding. Of course, astronomers have had pictures of colliding galaxies for quite some time now, but with the vastly improved resolution provided by the Hubble Space Telescope, you can actually see the lawyers rushing to the scene.
A Pleased Psychic
I am not a believer in seances, but I went to one just to see what they are like. The psychic was doing his thing and grinning from ear to ear. I assumed his merriment was due to the fact that he was fooling a gullible public and gave him a poke in the nose. You can probably guess the rest.
I was arrested for striking a happy medium.
For The Kids...
If a wizard was knocked out by Dracula in a fight what would he be?
Out for the count!
What kinds of wizards have their eyes closest together?
The smallest ones!
Why do wizards clean their teeth three times a day?
To prevent bat breath!
What happened to the wizard who ran away with the circus?
The police made him bring...Read more