/Home & Leisure
Depression Doesn't Have To Be Part Of Aging Process
Q: My aging mother has been living in a nursing home for just over a year. She's always been a very positive person, but now she barely speaks to us when we visit her. Is depression a normal part of the aging process? What can we do?
Jim: Professional counselors say that, unfortunately, depression can be fairly common among people in your ...Read more
Teens Need Extra Help Navigating Turbulent Years
Q: Ever since my daughter became a teenager it feels like I’m raising a little monster. Honestly -- and I’m ashamed to say it -- there are times I just want to pull away and separate from all the drama. Help!?
Jim: Having raised two sons to adulthood, I understand. That sweet child who used to meet you at the front door every night after ...Read more
Marriage Needs Communication About Healthy Boundaries
Q: While my husband was away on a weeklong business trip, I had a male friend from the office come over to eat and brainstorm a work project. After my young daughter fell asleep, we hung out watching movies together. When I told my husband about it, he got upset and feels that I’ve betrayed him. I think he’s overreacting; what’s your take?...Read more
Stay Present With Kids After Divorce
Q: My wife left me and filed for divorce, which I didn’t want. But now it’s done. I’m concerned about how I can have a positive influence on my kids since I’m only allowed to be with them a few days out of each month. Do you have any advice?
Jim: My heart goes out to you. While it may seem trite, a good place to begin is with the ...Read more